Golarion MapThis is the journal site for Steve’s RPG gaming group which is using the Pathfinder system from Paizo. We typically meet once a month for a day-long game session, though in rare occasions we may meet twice a month or skip a month due to schedule conflicts. We are currently running the Jade Regent adventure path, and have completed the Rise of the Runelords.

The site’s contents are broken down into these basic categories:

  • Journal entries are the in-character journals over the course of the campaign. Each player uses their character’s journal differently, but most summarize the gaming session from their character’s perspective. Some players journal all the events that occurred during a session while others only record those events that the characters would have had time to actually write down in-world, e.g. if the session ended in the middle of a protracted fight. Journal entries are organized by the gaming session month and year (note that journal entries tend to trickle in over the course of the month following a game session.)
  • Character backgrounds are new to the Jade Regent campaign and provide the back story for the character prior to becoming an adventurer. Backgrounds are typically third person narratives. Most but not all characters have published their backgrounds.
  • Character vignettes holds random stories, vignettes and journal entries from the characters’ lives, both during and prior to the start of the campaign. Most of these are fully fictional accounts (i.e., not based on actual game events) though they occasionally do reference real events from the current and previous campaigns that don’t fit as journal entries. Most of these have a general in-world time of year associated with them, but they are not posted or indexed in any in-world order. They are organized only by their real-world publication date.
  • Timelines provide a summary of the gaming sessions mapped to the in-world calendar. Each event on the timeline corresponds to a single game session and provides a brief summary of the session, the in-world dates that it spanned, and a link to the journal entries associated with it.

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