Audrahni’s Journal, 6th Sarenith, 4718 AR

Good news, at least, has come my way today. Amidst all of the turmoil in the Cove of late, I admit I am more than ready for some good news. Thinking more in recent days about Roderic has brought back too many painful memories for me. I cannot just keep pushing everything to the background, hoping I can move on as if they never happened, or as if their implications and consequences can be ignored. I see I am going to have to go back and face them squarely and resolve them one way or another.

But first things first. Right now, I live in the Cove and the Cove has a restless soul I can help. Must help. And I pray his is the last departed soul or lifeless body I need to put to premature final rest from among the local populace. The rumor I heard of a sighting of yet another of the shapeless blobs near the Cove has me concerned that I may be hoping in vain. Fortunately whatever it really was has not yet been seen in town. I can’t take my suspicions to Julit or Larenza. I just know she’s behind it all. Somehow. I have no proof to show anyone, of course, and I could be wrong. I just know her and if anything bad is going on, I have no doubt she is somehow behind it, profiting from it, and ultimately able to brag all about it. But now Julit is obviously tired of hearing me rant about her without any proof to act upon, so I will remain civil and silent. But I am watching. Oh yes, my old friend, I am watching you.

But I mentioned good news. Julit did tell me that vile gremlin is at last caged and from what she says, on his way to becoming some other town’s problem. Good riddance.

Better news! The little band of would-be town heroes is rapidly establishing themselves as a force for good in our town and environs. They not only rescued a pair of dwarves being held captive by some goblins in the Churlwood, but they went on to wipe out the nest of goblins entirely. At least as Julit tells the tale, the goblins were deeply entrenched and had capable leadership including a spellcaster or two. Nothing sophisticated of course, probably some kind of goblin shaman or a chief who managed to figure out how to sharpen his dogslicer, but I have no doubt that was a dangerous enemy to take on and impressive that they came out on top without losing any of their people.

Best news of all? I heard from Sursha again! She’s sailing up here to the Cove. From the date of her letter and what I can guess of her itinerary, I expect to see the Whim docked any day now. I relish the chance to enjoy a quiet dinner and evening with her to catch up and talk through some of the things bouncing around in my head these days.