Etayne’s Journal Arodus 11th

11 Arodus

It has been a few more days since I wrote in my journal. On the way here to Kelsgard we stopped in Ullerskad. A lot of our group visited the local Temple, but I decided to spend my time with my sister who said that she had seen this kind of temple before and wanted to scout out the wilderness. I enjoyed this time I got to bond with Shalelu. I got to show here some of the things I picked up from her and from my time alone. I think it is because of her that nature interests me so much.

The day before we got to Kelsgard, Kelda was rambling on about the different quarters and how great her city is…yada, yada, yada. I will have to admit though that the Bone Quarter interested me. I have a weak spot for the down trodden, so I made up my mind that I would do what I could to help those in that part of town.

The reality of it is, is that no matter how much you want to help people they need to accept your help. The moment people realize you are a witch they become more reluctant to except your aid. There were some people who were gracious enough to except my help. The worst is when you see a child in need and the parent, out of superstitions and ignorance, refuse your help. I did what I could from a distance but I am limited in my powers. Some times I think it would be better for some children to be on their own…I am happy I have Ling.

One man that I helped was very grateful for my assistance and started asking questions about people that fit the description of my companions. He told me some men paid him to get information or to locate them. I then asked him how much he was being paid. the 2 gold they offered quickly was turned to 4 gold from my counter offer of him showing me who these men were. He asked me if I would be here later. I said YES!?! What was I thinking? In fact I am sitting here waiting. I need to hide…

They man and the men questioning never showed up. Since then I have gone to the inn where Nihali informed me the group was. I found out most of them were being followed.I asked them if they had contacted Kelda to make sure she was safe…Yes, I did that. They said they had sent her a message. they also located Flyn, the man who had bought the family sword.

Several of us decided to pay the man a visit. On our way there a bind man shouted out a warning to us. I gave him a couple gold pieces and asked who it was that told him to say that. He said he did not know and that when someone that smelled like Cabbages came by to shout the warning. CABBAGES!?! I thought Qatana doesn’t smell like cabbages, then I noticed everyone staring at me. ME? Apparently I was hiding near a cabbage cart today. Kali took care of the smell with prestidigitation. What a handy little spell.

From talking with Flyn we discovered that his servants were murdered and the sword stolen and that the evidence led to Asvig. Asvig apparently lived outside of town and was also likely the one who sent the 40+ warriors after us. We figured that it was time for us to go pay him a visit.