Ivan’s Journal

Exiting the portable hole Ivan hands a cinnamon roll to Koya before heading over to Hatsue .

“You know we could use an extra pair of hands to help get everything ready for tomorrow” whispers Ivan to Hatsue as Ivan hands her the last cinnamon roll and then proceeds to cast beacon (status) on Hatsue.

“Be right back” says Ivan has he walks over and retrieves his quiver and bag of holding from Radella. Ivan is unclear if the response from Hatsue was an acknowledgement or if she was simply enjoying the cinnamon roll.

“Thanks” Ivan says as Radella hands over the equipment. He can’t tell if she suspects something or not. It’s the same feeling that he gets each time and thus far she hasn’t felt the need to interfere.

Hatsue finishes up the cinnamon roll as they arrive at the doorway to the storage room. They only had to wait a few minutes before the door opened and Akiko, Honamiyo, Miiko, Tamae, Yoire, Naomi, and Remi enter the storage room.

“Ok. As normal we will start with your treats” says Ivan as he hands out a cinnamon roll to each of the women.

“Don’t worry I also picked up one so that you can give one to Jiro” continues Ivan as he sets the cinnamon roll down on the shelf.

“I saw Jiro heading back to his office so once you finish your treat you can go present your gift. Today I brought help so we will start getting everything ready while you talk with Jiro.” Continues Ivan

“ok” replies Remi

“So this time is a little different than the ones in the past. I know this is old hat for all of you but since we have someone new let’s just review everything while you eat your cinnamon roll” says Ivan

“Firstly everyone gets a ration of food which today is your containers filled up 6 times with dried beans. I know that I am repeating myself but this is each person and not each family.” Says Ivan

“I still insist that pregnant women get an additional ration as they are eating for two and it is important for mother and baby to get plenty of food. Like before I leave the decision of determining which women are pregnant completely up to you. I am not qualified to figure out which women are pregnant and I am not about to start asking women if they are pregnant.” continues Ivan

Ivan pulls another bag out and sets it down “What is new this time is that we are also going to give everyone in the fort 3 pieces of these sweets, including Jiro and his people. These are tough times and everyone deserves something a little special. You can of course give the children an extra piece of candy“

“In the past I have asked you to not share where this food is coming from to anyone. Except I did tell you to always tell the truth to Hatsue, Jiro, and Amieko. It was important to me to let my companions discover their own path. You can now honestly tell people that this food is provided by those that follow the heir.  If you are question by my companions you are free to tell them the truth” says Ivan

Ivan motions towards the door “Ok now go talk to Jiro while he is still in if office”

Hatsue describes in details the ideas behind the end game Tsume shogi as the two of them get the food ready for distribution in the morning. Just as they were finishing up the preparations  the door opens and the women re-enter the storage room.

“Are you still talking about the game?” says Akiko

“Yep, maybe someday I will get far enough into a game with Hatsue to try one of these strategies. Anyway perfect timing as we are done.” replies Ivan

As Ivan and Hatsue leave the store room Ivan says “how about you show me one of those moves on the board before we play an actual game”

Ivan and Hatsue head back to the common area.