Letter to Abby Dec 2015

Dearest Abby,

We have made it to Riddleport today. First encounter with Ogres as good as we can hope for, I never was closer then 25 feet from any of the Ogres. In Riddleport we spent most of our time in the trader area and not so much in the city proper. The archway over the city is as amazing as the stories that we have heard about it growing up. If it wasn’t such a long and dangerous trip I would suggest that you and Billy make the trip.

It was really great to get out and start seeing the world. I am still trying to figure out and fit in with the others. I finally feel like Etayne has stopped watching me just waiting for me to do something she would not approve of. I have not figured out if it is me or just human men.  I get the strong sense that Kali, Sparna, Olmas, and Etayne tend towards having things orderly. It is not clear to me if Radella and Anavaru tend toward chaos as I do or toward order like the others. Luckily the beloved Qatana is far more Chaotic then even me so the attention is not on me at this time.

On the trip here through the smaller towns I have been assigned as a scout. I think this has gone a long ways to reducing the tension between me and the ones craving order. I have also been working on new skills to make me more valuable for future caravans. To that end I am learning how to be a caravan driver. Guard and scout pay a lot better but being able to be a backup driver may in the future get me a job on a caravan going some place interesting.

I am excited about getting to our destination (I will keep the name out of this letter just in case) and see the wonders of this great adventure. I talked with some of the other caravan owners to get a feel for how often they hire on help. It looks as if they routinely are looking for help. Once we get done with this big adventure I will have to see what the others intend to do. The plan is to go on this adventure and then return to Sandpoint. I am wondering if I should make the trip all the way back to Sandpoint or just get a job on a different caravan heading someplace interesting. I have decided to wait until we get back to Riddleport and then find out what the others plan to do.

Love Ivan

P.S. Here is a drawing of Riddleport. It is not as good as being here but still interesting.
