Category Archives: RotR Journal Entries

Journal entries for the Rise of the Runelords campaign

Character: Takkad

Takkad’s journal entry for April

== Sunday, Lamashan 26, 4708; Xin Shalast; evening ==

We had set the wheels in motion to further implicate giants in the slaying of high ranking lamia, and now we sat back and watched the results of our handiwork unfold (courtesy of the Greater Scrying spell I had cast on the chief giant in the area).

A pair of harridan came to claim the body of the Most High Ceoptra’s lieutenant, and the giant, innocently and ignorantly enough, asked how her ladyship was doing.

The two looked meaningfully at one another before glaring at the giant and coldly stating, “Her Most High has been slain, along with several of her closest advisors and assistants.”

The giant stammered, “What, but… but how could that be?”

“We were hoping the giant in charge of security in this area could tell us.”

The giant plaintively replied, “A voice guided me to the body — and um, uh, we are investigating it even now.”

A look of incredilutiy passed between the harridan, and they motioned for the giant to follow.

He seemed taken aback and turned very pale, but followed them to the lamia temple complex. There he was led down a hallway to a large room with another pair of harridan standing guard on either side of the door.

“At sunset you will be taken up the mountain and questioned,” said a harridan, with evident glee at look of shock and horror on the giant’s face.

The door was closed, and for a moment the giant stood still, but then he beat upon the wall with his fists and slumped to the floor, where he sat motionless.

Well clearly this would not do at all. If the giant were questioned on the mountain then Karzoug would realize he was telling the truth, and quickly associate the mysterious “voice” with us. He may well suspect that we have been behind the bulk of the chaos occurring in Xin Shalast, but he can not be sure, and we needed to maintain this uncertainty.

I had been describing the events as they occurred to my companions, and now I turned to them and announced, “It seems we must rescue our giant.”

Some thought I must be joking, and my proposal was met with a good bit of doubt and skepticism, even after I explained my concern. In the end we all agreed to help, and we quickly drew up a cunningly simple plan.

Trask, Sabin and I became invisible and Wind Walked into the giant’s room, while the rest of our team wisped over to the coliseum. Trask then created a Major Image of a giant standing next to the real thing, and softly whispered, “There are those who would see you live today.”

Startled, the giant quietly hissed, “Who are you?”

Trask-giant proclaimed, “Call us allies by chance. You must decide now if you will come with me or remain here. Take my hand if you wish to live.”

The giant grasped the Trask-giant’s hand, where Trask had placed his own hand, and the two Teleported to the coliseum. There Trask said, “I am still here, but invisible. This place is deserted, but you must leave Xin Shalast. Now save yourself!”

“Many thanks, whoever you are, I am in your debt.”

Trask and the rest of the crew then returned to our base.

Meanwhile Sabin and I fastened a note in giantish to the wall where the giant had been held captive:

Alasnist will arise!
Alasnist is coming!
Alasnist is here!

Viva the revolution indeed!

We then returned to the others, but as soon as we solidified I suggested we visit Margive to find out when and where tonight’s meeting of the giant rebel alliance would be held. The more confusion we could spur in the city before heading up to the mountain, the better for us.

Margive was doing well and was, as usual, delighted to see us. We began to ask him about the location of the meeting when I realized that the giant we had freed from the lamia had made his way into the tunnels — as we expected he would — and was coming directly to Margive’s abode, which we did not expect at all: the passages are like a maze and it seemed impossible that he could get here by chance.

I told the others, and we quickly explained to Margive that a giant was coming this way and he needed to hide. Margive did what his people do so well and blended into his surroundings while the rest of his became invisible or hid in shadows.

Soon our giant ran into the chamber, calling out, “Margive? Margive, are you here?”

“I am here my friend,” Margive joyously exclaimed as he disabled his camouflage skills.

What the hell?

Had Margive been working for Karzoug all along and playing us for fools?

Had we walked into an elaborate trap?

“Send word to the others that I have found a much better place for our meeting. Tell them that the rebel alliance will meet at the coliseum tonight.”

You could have knocked me over with a feather.

Here was the leader of the giant rebellion, and Margive was far more involved than he had let on.

Tentatively we began to show ourselves. The giant recognized Trask’s and my voices, and accepted us as friends or at least not as foes.

We urged him to lead his people out of the city tonight, and he readily agreed.

Kane turned to Margive and said, “You should take your people and flee with the giants. This is the best chance you will have, especially if we do not succeed above.”

And with that we had managed to effectively kick the giant rebellion into high gear as well as provide a means of escape for Margive’s people.

The ensuing chaos in the city tomorrow morning will be the perfect time for us to begin our assault on Karzoug’s fortress of spires.

And thinking of the next day we decided to Wind Walk up to the mountain today and set our camp just outside the occlusion field. This would free up two fairly high level spells for me to use tomorrow on something else.

We also thought that with the remaining light of the day we should search the giant stone face of Karzoug carved into the summit.

We said farewell to Margive and the giant and flew out and up.

Karzoug’s face was unsettling — like it actually noticed us and was watching as we flit about. Kane searched for magic and for any secret (or otherwise) entrances, but found nothing. Sabin and I solidified and used Stone Shape to carve Wrath runes into Karzoug’s cheek and forehead large enough to be seen from the city below.

Lower down, near the occlusion field, Trask cast Rope Trick and we clambered inside for the evening.

I pulled out the peacock quill and asked, “What awaits us under the Spires of Zin Shalast?” A general question, to be sure, but I was not looking for specifics.

“Many guards, many wards, insane creatures not from this world, and a foe long sleeping.”

Just the sort of answer to ensure pleasant dreams.

== Moonday, Lamashan 27, 4708; Spires of Xin Shalast; morning ==

We arose early, ate a hasty comfortless breakfast, and entered the occlusion field.

We had enough sihedron rings for everyone except for Kane and Avia, who wore sihedron amulets with Obscure Object cast upon them. Thus protected we were able to advance toward the central spire without ill effect.

Sabin, Rigel, and I took advantage of our rings of Invisibility.

The spire was a massive open structure towering impossibly high above us, and built as rings of archways and flying buttresses stacked one atop the other. In the center was a forty foot wide ramp that curved up and around a central walled circle. The stone was polished (all of it!), and around the ramp it was set with precious metals and gems. Bejeweled ever-burning torches lit the way.

There was no wall along the outer edge, and so we kept clear of the precarious drop as we slowly climbed up the enormous cork-screw path. And we climbed and climbed around and around, every higher, and ever colder. For two hours we trudged, rising some two thousand feet from the plateau below, but having walked many miles for that gain.

And then from above a loud voice boomed out in giant, “Attention lads, here they come!”

And then in common, “Alright you lot, come up and meet your fate. You won’t be going any further.”

Trask made some light hearted responses, but it was clear the voice above was not in the mood for banalities, and so he cast Haste on us and up we went.

Five giants stood on the ramp above, where a circular wall dropped down from above and met with the outer edge of the ramp. Each giant bore a sihedron rune branded into its forehead. One of the giants was clearly the leader, a storm giant clad in full plate and wielding a great sword. The others were cloud giants wielding morning stars.

Kane was first in view.

“Ah, now there’s the cleric, and the paladin must be close behind. Keep alert because they like to jump in close!”

Sabin used Mass Suggestion and asked, “Wouldn’t you rather drop your weapons and go down to the front gates of Xin Shalast below?”

The leader laughed at Sabin, but three of the giants dropped their morning stars and began to head down.

Avia and Nolin charged in and were whacked hard by the leader, but returned the sentiment. Sedjewick was singing and Trask used a Mage Sword against the leader.

An arc of lightening shot from the other giant’s hand and struck several of us, so Sabin moved in to interrupt its spell casting by throwing his ax at its face.

Avia and Nolin were carving large chunks out of the leader when it realized some of his guards were leaving, and yelled out, “Hey, wait, what are you doing? Get back in formation!” When he realized they were continuing on he called out, “Well at least hit some of these lot on your way down!” To which they replied, “Okay.”

Although unarmed they were giants and inflicted a lot of damage by punching Avia, Sabin and Nolin as they walked stupidly by.

Nolin was close to death, and so Trask erected a force wall to isolate him from the passing giants, and with that Nolin provided the killing blow on the leader. Kane provided much needed healing with a channel.

The spell-casting giant was in a punching fight with Sabin, and so I cast Flamestrike on it.

Nolin asked Trask to drop the wall of force so he and Avia could get to the spell caster, and he complied, but was pummeled by a parting giant for his effort.

Nolin, Avia and Sabin made short work of the magic user, and Kane cast Create Water, dumping a pool of water before the fleeing giants. The water instantly froze, and the two of the giants slipped off to their deaths.

We searched the remains of the two dead giants and found:

[1660] +2 full plate — giant size
[1661] sihedron ring (Kane)
[1662] +4 full plate — giant size
[1663] sihedron ring (Avia)
[1664] master work great sword — giant size
[1665] morning star

It was a relief to get the two additional sihedron rings. We no longer needed to worry about Karzoug using the amulets to scry on us, and the rings provided the permanent effect of Endure Elements.

The ramp leveled off here and transitioned into a checkerboard pattern of gold and black. The walls were decorated with engraved murals depicting Xin Shalast in its heyday. Directly ahead to the north was a massive pair of golden double doors, and west of those was a single more modest size (in comparison) door.

There were no handles, knobs or keyholes in the doors.

We elected to try the smaller door first, which Sabin opened with a Knock spell. Kane then peeped in and saw… Karzoug!

Wow, was this it, just like that?

“And so you fools have found me… I will be your death!”

Karzoug actually said a lot more (he is a wordy chap), but I was taken aback and not paying close attention to his ranting. We moved to advance upon him.

“Oh you pathetic little people. Well, Sabin, let’s play the game.”

He pointed a finger at Sabin and a black ray lept from it, striking Sabin squarely in the chest. Sabin’s face spasmed in pain, and for a moment I thought I had lost my best friend, but with great effort he overcame the full effect of the spell, but was seriously hurt, none the less.

Kane and I quickly healed Sabin, and Karzoug flickered and faded from view — some advanced form of an illusion, no doubt.

The room itself, although oddly shaped to accommodate the curving wall, was uninteresting, but there was another modest sized door in the southwest wall.

We are taking a moment to fully heal and recover before moving forward.


Character: Trask

The Journal of Trask Feltherup

Sunday, 26 Lamashan

If our goal was to introduce chaos, confusion, and distraction to the city, why that’s practically our (very long) middle name.

Scrying our favorite giant, we found that there is close to chaos up north around the Lamia temple. He reported the body, and discovered they were already quite aware. They seem like anything but cool and in control. They did not kill the messenger, but they did not exactly welcome him either. They expected him to tell them what happened and how. “You were in charge of security!” they said accusingly, and when he had no explanation forthcoming, instructed him to wait in a small room whose door was secured from the outside while the investigation was completed. “At sunset,” they promised, “you will be taken up to the mountain.” From the expression on his face, he clearly did not interpret this to mean he was going to be treated to a relaxing vacation and stimulating massage.

Although we may have, in a sense, tormented him with whispered messages and strange happenings, we’d taken a liking to him. We couldn’t let him be taken to the mountain, where he’d likely be killed, or worse, transformed. From a practical standpoint, we probably also did not want him telling people on the mountain that voices were speaking to him. So Takkad and Sabin windwalked to his cell and checked it out. The door was unlocked, so I suppose technically that was not a cell, but two harridans stood guard outside to prevent anyone from disturbing him in his contemplation.

In other words, a very stealthy teleportation was entirely possible.

Since I could do both major image and teleport, I went along to provide the means for the rescue operation. Takkad and Sabin came along in case anything went wrong. I borrowed a ring of invisibility so that all three of us, Takkad, Sabin, and myself could be invisible. We became invisible, turned to gaseous form, and then travelled to and entered the cell. By previous agreement, I went to (invisible) solid form first, and created the illusion of a giant. The illusion offered these solemn but quietly spoken words: “There are those who would see you live.” The giant startled, and I said, “The choice is yours, but take my hand if you wish to leave now.” I put my hand in the right position within the image, and after a bit of uncertainty, he grabbed it. I quietly uttered the spell, and teleported us to the arena without any harridans being harmed at all.

Once there, I said (while still invisible), “This place is safe, but you will probably need to leave Xin Shalast.”

“Thanks,” he responded, still a little uncertainly.

The rest of the group was there in gas form and observed him quickly assess his surroundings before heading for an exit from the arena. As he cautiously made his way to one side of the arena, Takkad and Sabin returned and we returned to our hideout.

Takkad sniggered that he’d added Alasnist graffiti to the cell. When I pointed out that poor decisions and practical jokes was supposed to be my forte, he got defensive and said it wasn’t impractical – it would help foment rebellion and divert attention away from us, which was very practical.


We could only imagine the anger and frustration the Lamia would feel upon discovering their guest had left! Hee hee. However, in my more somber moments I also realized we’d pretty much relegated our favorite giant to a life on the run, since they would believe he was complicit not only in his escape, but in the murder of the priestesses too. Perhaps we’d done nothing more than delay his death, but I suppose that’s not such a small gift.

We decided to talk to Margive about the rebellion plan he’d overheard. Where do they meet? (Always different.) Can you show us? (yes).

With this, Takkad announced our favorite giant had left the arena and starting rooting around in these passages. He was actually heading rather directly for Margive’s abode, which was not part of the plan.

We quickly explained to Margive that a giant was only a few hundred feet away right now, and he needed to hide. While we did not think the giant would harm him, we deemed it prudent to be cautious. He blended into the shadows as he does so well, while the rest of us hid in the shadows or went invisible.

I was completely surprised by what happened next, though. The giant cautiously entered Margive’s home and whispered, “Margive? Are you here?” And Margive replied! “I am here, friend,” as he made himself visible.

“I have found a much better place for the meeting tonight. Tell them the alliance will meet at the arena tonight.”

Margive has more connections than we gave him credit for! “Our” giant was actually a leader (the leader?) in the giant rebellion that we’d been so anxious to assist. I broke the silence by saying, “There are those who would see you live” as I made myself apparent. As others also became visible, he clearly recognized my voice and clearly had the same thought about Margive that I’d just had. “We seem to be working towards a common cause.”

Takkad suggested to him that the recent deaths of the lamia and apparently missing dragon might make tonight a very good night to lead his brethren out of the city. He agreed. And we offered the same advice to Margive. “We are going to the highest buildings in an attempt to stop Karzoug from gaining more power. If the coming night and day find us successful, tonight will be an excellent time to leave. If we fail, it may be your last opportunity to leave.”

We did not add, out loud, that their leaving will also provide distraction to those above as we attempt to assault those positions. We will truly be helping each other by dividing the rulers’ attentions.

We decided to windwalk to the higher echelons now to use the last of our windwalk ability today and allow Takkad to utilize those spell slots differently for tomorrow. We took this time to inspect Karzoug’s mountainous face, but we noted no particular magic or secret openings in the face. Takkad and Sabin decided it was appropriate to install a little granite graffiti.

Whatever. Seems immature and unnecessary to me.

I did the now-traditional rope trick, and we retired for the evening.

Moonday, 27 Lamashan

Takkad asked the Quill about what to expect. It told him “many guards, many wards, insane creatures not of this world.” If that was a surprise to anyone, they didn’t let on.

Kane and Avia needed to use amulets, upon which we cast obscure object to deter the scrying, and we advanced towards the biggest spire. This spire seemed to mostly be a ramp up into the heights of the building. It certainly was ornate enough, but the ramp was nice and wide (maybe forty feet or so wide). We ascended alertly and while we didn’t find anything during our cautious ascent, we must have gone up 2000 feet or more.

But near the top, we did hear a voice that we did not recognize: “Ready lads! Here they come!” Apparently we were expected. I had thought I might confuse them a bit with ridiculous replies, so I called out, “Yes! Have you any bananas?”. I was not within range to see their faces, but I have to believe that the several seconds of pause after that was spent with them looking at each other in utter confusion. Without waiting for any particular response, I cast Haste on our group since it sounded very much like we would not avoid battle, and at this particular moment everyone was close enough to be included in the spell.

There were five of them, with one clearly being the leader (both by demeanor and appearance.) He was a storm giant; the other four appeared to be cloud giants.

“They like to appear right next to you; be ready!” called out their leader. Hmm. Clearly Karzoug has passed on his observations of us to his guard. How annoying.

Kane tried to intimidate them. It was about as effective as asking for bananas. But Sabin had a much more effective action. He cast mass suggestion on them, and suggested they’d rather drop their weapons and go down to the front gates of the city. Three of the giants blinked, and appeared to do so.

These were some of the largest giants we’ve encountered, and the reach on them was unbelievable. Without the ability to teleport in, our fighters had to wade in offering their bodies up for free just to get close enough to hit. Once there they did significant damage, but the price of the approach almost was too much for Nolin. I called up a wall of force to protect him as he got hammered at one point, but our clerics managed to quickly heal him (and others). I employed my Mages Sword at one point, but it was late in the battle and it only got a couple of swings. I don’t think it ever connected before its target died and it raced back to hover pointlessly in front of me.

When the leader realized a sizeable portion of his force really was going to walk to the edge of the city, he smartly said to them, “Well, would you mind smacking these guys as you go?” And although they’d dropped their weapons, an unarmed smack from a cloud giant still carries a wallop. I took one of those and it almost knocked me off my feet.

Truly, we killed the leader and remaining cloud giant in something like only a half minute, but the fighting as fierce and the damage great. If they’d had healers like we did, the battle might have gone differently. We may want to identify and target healers early in any future battles; Karzoug will probably do the same favor for us.

And Kane put a normal mundane spell to deadly use when he cast Create Water in front of the giants heading down the ramp to the city’s edge. In this climate, of course, the water froze almost instantly, and resulting lack of traction caused two of the giants to slip over the edge of the ramp and fall to their presumed deaths.

From the two corpses we created up top, we did retrieve

[1660] Full plate (giant sized) +2
[1661] sihedron ring
[1662] Full plate (giant sized) +4
[1663] sihedron ring
[1664] Masterwork Great Sword [giant sized]
[1665] Morningstar [giant sized]

We now turned to the upper hallways that we’d laid claim to. The walls here were decorated; no expense was spared. Doors ranged from appearing to be solid gold, to, at the very least, masterfully built. The first door we opened seemed to yield … Karzoug!

He verbally taunted us, and Avia detected no evil. Still, we advanced upon him. I tried a fireball, but it had no effect. We began to think it might just be a really talkative illusion when he said, “Well, Sabin, let’s get it started.” And a black ray shot from the figure to Sabin.

A death ray.

Sabin moved as quickly as I’ve ever seen him, but the ray still grazed him and wounded him significantly. And with that, Karzoug disappeared. Yes, an illusion, but one with some spellcasting abilities. Some sort of projection, or automaton? I’ll have to search our spellbooks to try to identify what it was. But clearly we will be running into some more powerful magic, and we will need to be cautious of that.

More doors await us.