Annals of the Order of the Dragon

as told by the cavalier Olmas Lurecia himself.

Wealday, 19 Sarenith

Upon Ameiko deciding that feeding the city was at the top of our todo list, and that the best way to do that was break into the city granary, we decided that first scouting the granary was of utmost importance.  After sunset, around 9pm, Ivan and Radella sneakily made their way to the granary and gave it a good once-over, noting what guards were where.  They watched for a while to see if things changed much and were a little surprised to find they did not.  There were guards scattered throughout the streets in a pattern similar to elsewhere in the city, but there were no apparent guards at the granary itself.  At least, until Ivan noticed that 4 impressive marble statues of large cats (like leopards or tigers) outside the granary radiated magic.  It seemed likely those were the guards. Kali commented they were a form of golem.

While they were discovering this, we were discussing with Isao how best to distribute a granary full of rice.  It was doubtful we’d be able to move all of it – we weren’t even sure if it were bagged or loose – but even moving a substantial part of it would require some significant support. Isao suggested ordinary utility wagons would adequately serve if only they could be protected from attack and/or retribution as they disappeared into the city.  That, we thought, might be where the Emerald Branch might be of some use.  Would it be possible to put all these pieces together?

Isao thought we could, although with the night already spent it could not happen until, at earliest, Oathsday night.  That would give us all Oathsday to spread the word, and he assured us that would be sufficient time.

And these marble guardians would prove troublesome.  Suishen is quite the formidable weapon against oni, but I had to break the news to him that against marble he’d be significantly less effective.   I would need adamantine to make substantial damage to marble.  Suishen was somewhat miffed when I told him I’d start with whatever adamantine blade we could purchase tomorrow, but seemed a bit soothed when I told him I’d pull him out as soon as I could.

Isao thought he could sell some of the family belongings to raise money for adamantine weapons for both Radella and I, and have them by Oathsday evening.

As if this all wasn’t enough, Dasi spent some time with the samisen to learn a bit more about the history here.  According to Dasi and Kali, there is a seer in the palace who predicted an heir to the Amatatsu line would possess the family seal.  That was enough to start drawing attention to Ameiko and the seal.  This seer, named Meida, descends from some other troublemakers in Minkai history.  Kali says that when you read the diary we got from the House of Withered Blossoms and start comparing dates, things start to connect and add up.

This will be a notable 24 hours, I think.

Oathday, 20 Sarineth

We’ve decided to do this in the darkest of the night, two hours after midnight.  Technically, that means 21 Sarineth will go down in history, not 20 Sarineth.  Shrug.

Isao was able to obtain two admamantium katanas, which matches nicely with my katana skill already in place for Suishen.  It will be mildly awkward for Radella, since she generally uses an elven blade, but it will do.  When it comes to the stone kitties, we will be the primary weapon.  Kali promises she’ll have other tricks up her sleeves too.

The Emerald Branch has agreed to assist, but only in the peripheral action, not the main attack on the granary.

In going over the plan, Kali raised the question of who (important) was in the palace, and we were mildly surprised to hear of the Raven Prince.  It sounded vaguely familiar, like I’d heard it before but forgotten it.  (When your primary task is to kill oni, names really fall down the list in importance.)  Apparently he is the Royal Assassin (why did he hire a surrogate then to come after us??).  Kali thinks we can make use of this.

Actually Kali has lately been full of ideas to get inside people’s heads, so much that I wonder about her.  I mean, I remember her showing off the encrypted notes she’d send to her parents but this is taking things to a whole new level.  She wants to send a note to the Raven Prince suggesting he join us, and she’s doing all this lineage work with the Amatatsus and Anamurumon, and Meida and she’s trying to get inside their heads, wanting to send them messages both overt and subtle.  It all sounds very complicated and unnecessary to me, but then my forte is battle strategy, not confusion and misdirection.

Hatsui has volunteered to manage the (eventual) wagon train.  Dasi will leave a little early to see if he can detect any thoughts from inside the granary (that is, are there more guards inside?)

Fireday, 21 Sarineth

Wow, that was exhilirating and scary and awesome all at once.  But that’s because we were (essentially) completely successful; there were several points where things could have turned ugly quickly.

First, Kali cast a spell called “greater magical weapon” on the admantium katana Radella and I had, and this made them powerful magical weapons for a relatively short period of time.  This was a big advantage because prior to that all they were were masterwork.  We gained dark vision, and haste, and blessing of fervor.  I asked Suishen for protection from cold.  Ivan Enlarged me to make me a bit more formidable against the stone kitties. And lastly, I drank a potion of displacement to make myself a bit harder to attack.

Dasi started singing.  Kal summoned an earth elemental.  Zos deployed his tengu constructs.  We’d done everything we could think of to improve our chances.

Myself? Walked up to a stone statue and hit it with my adamantine katana, taking a large chunk out of it.  it proceeded to pick up the enlarged me in its mouth and try to crush me.

A spell from Kali, and a flurry of arrows from Ivan, freed me.  Dropped to the ground by the dead construct, I picked myself up and moved towards another.

Radella destroyed a second, and out popped one of Zos’s tengus.  Apparently it had been engulfed when I wasn’t looking.  One moved towards me, giving me a free attack, but then bit me and held me in its mouth like my previous opponent.

Kali shot, I think a disintegration ray at the kitty mauling me and it disappeared into dust.  Although the displacement potion didn’t seem to be helping me as much as I thought it would, i was successfully occupying the kitty’s attentions to make them easy targets for others.  About this time I could have sworn I heard a voice say, “halt! you are out after curfew!”  Really?

A squad of guards/oni had shown up to order us back home.  Mindful of my promise to him, I pulled Suishen and went to work.  To Suishen’s delight (if it is possible for him to be delighted) every guard was an oni! Turns out there were a couple more inside.  Yawn.

Suddenly Ivan said something with alarm in his voice and Kali moved near him and they both disappeared.  What?

Perhaps 30 seconds later they returned with an injured Hatsue and some stranger.  Ivan did some healing on all of us, including them, and Zos (or was it Dasi?) fired off the fireworks which were our signal.

The wagons appeared and the rice flowed.  Ten minutes into the distribution there were flying magic mouths or something advising the population to return to their homes.  These were summarily ignored.

We collected the spoils of the battle.

[747] agate (+1 luckstone)
[748] naginata +2
[749] +3 do-maru
[750] 8 +2 steel lamilar

There was also a collection of 8 MW longbows, 8 MW katanas, and 8 MW wakashazi.

I don’t recall if the granary was emptied but it was at least noticeably diminished.  It had been a productive night.