The Annals of the Order of the Dragon

as told by the cavalier Olmas Lurecia himself.

Starday, 22 Sarenith

Musician he, collected blood,
And spent some time inspecting
“Inquisitor!” he shouted out
Truly, what we were expecting.

The wizard, then invoked her spell
And made the dead one speak
All raptly watched and listened close
to hear the oni freak.

“Okay!” she said, rubbing her hands
The sea of watchers parted.
“We only have the questions four
and ought not stop once started.”

“The first,” she said and stared it down
“is where are nobles kept?”
The dead one squirmed and wriggled
I swear, his eyes – they wept.

“The place, you know, the quiet place
The place of meditation.”
His face contorted in a snarl
A common affectation.

The second question, hard and fast
With little pomp or show.
“That place of meditation …
Among you – who would know?”

The face again, that ugly face
Squinted, leered and cried.
“Commanders all would know that place
Until such day they died.”

With pity none, the wiz went on.
“When captured, prisoners new,
They’re taken where?  End up where?
The place now! Tell me, true!”

The oni would have struck the wiz
And tried to spit right at us.
“The new ones – AARGH – the place they go
Depends upon their status.”

Both looked exhausted now but yet
One question still remained.
“Hey Minion – now? You must reveal
Your true commander’s name!”

If looks could kill then all would die
But that’s not how this works.
“SOKA” it gasped, its face contorted –
Then silent.  At last, a perk.

Four questions asked and answered,
In one exhausting session.
Beware the day she says to you
“Got time for a quick question?”

I guess I’d never really watched a speak with dead that closely.  Or maybe this oni was particularly reluctant.  But I’d never noticed the (pointless, in the end) resistance that the subject still puts up.  Even if it cannot win, the victim still clearly resists answering the questions.  It kind of made me look at Kali in a new light … it seemed every bit as much a battle as any I’ve fought.

Dasi’s blood bio didn’t surprise us, but we were a little surprised by the answers from the dead oni.  They were surprisingly helpful, despite its obvious reluctance.

We talked a bit away from Ameiko.  Who should go to the island?  Ameiko, obviously.  And we theorized that if Ameiko went, Shalelu would too.  But what about Koya?  She might prove a valuable healer …   but she was also relatively frail and vulnerable.  She could easily swing from healer to victim should anything attack us.

And let’s face it – if the visit to the island was required to take the throne, then the Jade Regent would know that too.  If would be foolish NOT to assume there would be obstacles awaiting us.

Koya offered to do a commune spell which would allow us to learn more about the Jade Regent’s world.  Kali wanted to know more of the lineage of the Jade Regent and hoped these questions would provide her that – nut we were limited to yes/no questions this time.

Is Meida pregnant?  (Yes)
Is it the JR’s child? (Yes)
Is she keeping this a secret (Yes)
Is the JR’s mother still alive (No)
Did Anamurumon have her killed? (Yes)
Is the JR’s father still alive? (No)
Did Anamurumon have him killed? (Yes)
Is the JR a descendant of Anamurumon? (Yes)
Does JR know this (No)

So if I understand correctly, this has several implications.  The JR does not know his heritage, and there are some who find that to their advantage.  We know this because Meida is pregnant with the JR’s child, yet she is keeping this secret.  Why would this not be a joyous moment for the proud parents?  Because the physical appearance of the child may reveal more to the JR (or the court) of his true heritage.  That is, the child likely will not be human.

Kali believes that this information will be invaluable in the hands of the Emerald Branch and will lay the groundwork for a more legitimate heir.  Should one appear, for example.

She will see if she and the Branch can stir the pot.

Meanwhile, we also learned more about the island.  It allegedly is surrounded by five gates, which must be traversed in a particular order – both Suishen and Dasi suggest clockwise – while presenting the orb.  So much for secrecy – presenting the orb is the equivalent of blowing a horn for the Five Storms and painting a target on our back.  But I guess we’re pretty much at that point, aren’t we?

There were discussions about who would be captain, and what kind or size of boat to get, and what prep (spells) we should have in effect as we approach the island.

And finally, around noon, we left.

We arrived and passed through the gates with little problem, circling the island and reappearing at the nondescript pier we first saw.  However, now there appeared to be an outbuilding just beyond the dock, and a path from the dock.

We disembarked without incident, but upon entering the building discovered shrines to Pharasma and Takeo.  Further within we discovered two sisters who has been sent to deter us.  These lovely ladies, it turns out, had 20′ long necks and a poison bite … not exactly a perfect date.  They apparently could produce an aura of silence and darkness easily, but Suishen cast Daylight, which at least negated the darkness.

From the conversation we overheard as we quietly approached, it seems they were here precisely to prevent the quest we are on.  Unfortunately for them, they failed.

A blood bio on their bodies didn’t reveal anything we hadn’t already figured out in combat.

We did a pile of “treasure” but an inspection left us feeling this was either grave-robbing or altar-robbing, and we made a note to keep an eye open for plundered gravesites.  Ameiko felt it might be okay for us to borrow items that were not consumable and did not leave the island. To that end …

[751] light steel shield +3
[752] magic feather (treefeather token)
[753] strand of prayer beads (lesser)

We passed through another gate (did not seem to require the seal) and entered a graveyard.  There was a kiosk at the entrance with various incense.  Dasi took some, suggesting as well that those carrying ancestral weapons may wish to also take some.  Olmas and Kali did.

But we hadn’t gotten too far into the graveyard before we found ourselves surrounded by 9 shadows.   Literally surrounded – this did not seem to be a chance encounter.  Kali came up with a brilliant idea to protect us all from deadly strength drains.  She created an anti-magic field around her, which extended to protect our party.  As an artifact, Suishen was unaffected by the anti-magic field, which meant he could attack any shadows within the field.  Not being particularly smart, they did enter the field … and that meant that their draining effect had no effect.  Although other magic such as belts and cloaks were also disabled, that proved to be little impediment.  The shadows, eventually, were dispatched.

Shadows aren’t known for carrying a bunch of belongings around with them, so no treasure.  Doubtful that they have many victims on this island, either.  I suppose it is possible these are shades of the dead here, but it seems more likely to be another Jade Regent laid trap.

It occurred to me, as well, that perhaps without the seal being out we were really triggering defenses of the tomb.  I thought if we ran into another obstacle, perhaps we should identify ourselves.

I had a chance to test that theory just scant seconds later.  As we approached the end of the graveyard and a small bridge over a creek, some of the gravestones and debris around them all gathered together, taking a monstrous vaguely bipedal form which blocked our paths.  I took a couple of respectful steps back and announced “Please make way for the rightful heir to throne, the Amatatsu heir.  We come only to honor those rulers who came before us.”

And then it attacked. Sigh.

But before I could close with it again, Ivan shot it full of arrows, Kali zapped it with a disintegration ray and Zos had some sort of controlled panic reaction which looked like five or six bombs went off all at once.  It died.

We healed the group, and looked ahead to the bridge.  What else was awaiting us?  It has been a busy day.