Category Archives: Journal Entries

Journal entries for the Jade Regent campaign

Character: Ivan

Ivan’s letter to his wife


I am writing this letter from a tavern in Jaagiin. The ale is not bad but the atmosphere just isn’t the same without you. I found someone that told me that they could get a letter to the other side of the ice, for a price of course.

The gods have favored me with new spells but not with the one that will allow me to communicate with you. I will be asking Qatana to magically contact you in a few days to let you know that we are safe so by the time you get this letter it will be old news. The gods have decided to grant me Desna wrath and fire. I know that you are thinking that any idiot can create a fire but I can make a wall of fire. This has been very useful against the undead and I suspect those with fir to burn. It has also become my go to spell for creating snowmen on the high ice. Oh Yes I have finally found a way to create snowpeople in the extreme cold.

Arriving in Jaagiin I have to admit that my thoughts turned towards letting the others continue on with the quest and heading back over the high ice. I just have to have faith that continuing on is just the right path to follow. If you are reading this to grandmother just let her know that I have not forgotten her words on this matter and that I remember that this is the will of the wind spirits. At times it almost seemed like I can hear a voice in the wind. I wonder if I am going crazy or if the wind spirits are trying to encourage me forward.

Excuse the ale stain on the letter as I had a little tussle as this guy tried to run off with my bag of spending money. My thoughts were of you focused on you and I didn’t notice, the bag only had a couple of gold so we would not have been out that much money. The barmaid was bringing me some stew as he was stealing so she alerted me. I really like magic and weak willed people. Over an Ale that he paid for we reach an agreement. He would give me two gold, never come within sight of me, and I will not force him to cut off his own fingers on his right hand. I don’t have any magic that could force him to do that but he doesn’t know that. I know you are thinking it and yes the two gold was for the barmaid.

So back to the whole quest thing I do worry that something will happen to Ameiko and one of the party would have to take over. I just can’t imagine us being the royal family and it kind of scares me to think of Kali taking on the mantle. I like Kali but my preference is to put someone on the throne that is ready to rule the people and not looking at the next business deal. It just seems like business people going into government is not always a good fit for the people. Before you know it they are taking away the rights of common people just to put a few more gold in the pockets of fellow business people. So I have to continue on this quest and keep Ameiko safe for the common person. I think at least with her the common folk will get a fair shake.

I just realized that the bard is playing an interesting and strange song. The people in the tavern must have heard this before because some of them are getting evolved with the song whistling. It seems that at certain pauses the crowd would start whistling. It seems like the crowd really gets involved after the lines with “Always look on the bright side of life”. Anyway I wrote down as much as I could get or remember. There is more to the song but I just didn’t get it written down. It was a catchy song.

So always look on the bright side of death!
Just before you draw your terminal breath.
Life’s a piece of shit,
When you look at it.

Life’s a laugh and death’s a joke, it’s true,
You’ll see it’s all a show,
Keep ’em laughing as you go.
Just remember that the last laugh is on you!

And always look on the bright side of life

Always look on the bright side of life

Come on guys, cheer up

Always look on the bright side of life

Always look on the bright side of life

Worse things happen at sea you know

Always look on the bright side of life


So take care my love


Character: Olmas

Annals of the Order of the Dragon

as written by the cavalier Olmas Lurecia, himself.

Toilday, 15 Abadius

Kali, ever the accountant of our group, quietly told each of us that as a result of selling acquired but unneeded equipment, we were each 9616.43 copper pieces richer.

That evening, as I sat listening, somewhat contentedly, to the rest of the group talk about various things, I heard/felt/sensed a clearing of a throat.  Internally, I rolled my eyes, because I knew what this meant.  There was no clearing, and really, there was no throat.  And only I could hear it.  But this is the way it began every time:  the fabled sword Suishen was about to bless me with some pearl of his wisdom.

Since I’ve become his human caretaker, I’ve come to recognize his method of introducing himself.  There is a noticeable lessening of outside noise, as if I’d just lightly covered my ears.  Then there is a sound which, for all the world, sounds like a briefly clearing throat, followed by that voice that seems to always have a tinge of superiority somehow infused in it. “You know,” it may say, “you’d get more power from your swing if you drew your arm back further.”  Or “Not bad, for a standard-bearer with no formal training.”  Or “It’s hard to believe that of all the swordsmen in the world, I chanced upon one that wields a sword much like a halfling housewife might wield a flyswatter, but with half the skill and a quarter of the charisma.”

Sometimes I have a clever response, and sometimes I don’t, but it always ends with my realizing my companions are staring at me, because I’ve stopped what I was doing, sometimes in mid-sentence, and my eyes have taken on an unfocused gaze almost as though I was scanning a distant horizon.  It is sufficient at this point for me to shake my head lightly, grimace, and mutter “Suishen” and my friends nod knowledgably but look away, as if they’ve been witness to something they’d rather not, and clear their throats, quickly resuming the conversation with “soooooo, anyways …”.

And this time, my face must have looked different; perhaps my eyebrows raised in surprise. Because this time, for the first time I can remember, Suishen said nothing critical.  He said, slowly, “I am impressed with your battle with the oni.”  He paused. “I feel compelled to tell you I have more capability to assist you than I have previously revealed.  Should you find it useful, three times a day I can grant you protection from energy, and additionally, on exceptional hits, I can create a burst of flame that will do additional damage. While you need ask for the first, the second is granted unconditionally.”

I realized my companions were staring at me at the same moment that I realized my jaw had dropped perceptibly.  “Suishen?” Qatana asked consolingly.  I nodded my head slightly, almost as if to break a trance. “Uh, um, yes,” I replied. “But he just revealed to me he has more power than he’d previously let on.”  Qatana looked mildly interested. “Oh?”

“He, uh, he …” I said, still a little stunned.

And then the old Suishen echoed in my head: “Quit stammering like an imbecile. You’re about as comprehensible as an ogre with a mouthful of tree sap.”

I shook my head again and glared at … at a mental vision of me beating Suishen against a rock.  And Qatana said, “sooooooo, anyways …”

Sunday, Abadius 20

We have reached Jaagiin, with no additional notable events – notable in itself.

Jaagiin is the “capital” of the loose confederations of tribes which live on and near the high ice.  Perhaps because of the greater mix of heritage and culture, Ulf says they are more welcoming of outsiders here than some of the previous places we have stopped.  Having arrived after midday, we decided to stay the remainder of this day plus one more, which should give us adequate opportunity to reprovision, rest a bit, and perhaps pick up some more news of what lay ahead on our path.  To that end, Ameiko announced she would go shopping, looking directly at me. I sighed and announced I would do the same. In the end, the two of us plus Shalelu and Qatana went into town.

We heard a number of things both in conversations we had and in conversations we passed near to, but the most interesting things were that a white dragon had been killed over in Iqaliat (“imagine that!”) and that storms had been stronger than usual this winter (“do tell!”) and that storms in Altan Zuud, the route we intended to take, seemed to be getting worse even as the winter and storms started to ebb everywhere else (“wait, what?”).

That evening, Ameiko again looked me in the eye and announced she wanted to take her lute and visit all the pubs in town.  I swear, that woman .. but of course I went along. Keeping her safe is what I do these days.  Fortunately I am not alone in this … the entire party spontaneously decided to do the same.

And nothing happened.  Maybe we overthink this.

Oathday, Abadius 24

We have been out of Jaagiin now for three days, and it’s been uneventful.  Well, the weather has been formidable, but after all the time we spent on the high ice it’s barely noteworthy.

We saw a cabin, today, with (apparently) some trappers in it. They came out and waved, but we waved back and kept going.  We may have to weather a storm or two while in the pass so we don’t really have any time to spare.

Fireday, Abadius 25

Today it was a pile of frozen, and arguably mutilated, animal corpses that we came across.  Is this connected to the trappers?

Sunday, Abadius 27

We are now in the shadow of the mountains surrounding the pass. The storm has not abated; if anything it’s gotten worse since we approached.  Aside from the dark clouds and fierce winds, there is thunder echoing from the waves of blowing snow. Worse, Kali has heard the same mocking laugh we heard on the high ice at Dead Man’s Dome. I’m 90% certain this is not a natural storm, but I’m not sure what to do about it.

We will hope for better weather tomorrow.

Moonday, Abadius 28

It is not better. We can now hear rockfalls in the distance.  It’s not just the weather and the cold anymore; now there are physical dangers that would be difficult to defend against.  We discussed our options, but according to Ulf and Sandru, there really aren’t any.  This pass is the way through the mountains, and it’s far too dangerous to attempt to negotiate it. Going around the mountains is hundreds if not a thousand miles out of the way, and would take months – and even then we’d have to try to rejoin the main path at some point by forging our own path through the mountains and surrounding highlands.  We are stymied.

Kali, with Koya’s guidance, did a harrowing.  We were hoping the gods might give us a clue, but they mock us as much as the wind.

Toilday, Abadius 29

The cards did not give us any clue, but Koya claims that in her dreams, the gods did provide one after all.   She says the cards made her remember a story about how a traveller once took a path that went through the mountains (literally, as in a tunnel or cave). Desna is sometimes known as the Queen of the North, and legend has it that the tunnel was created so that faithful from the south could make the trek to the north – Desna – in relative safety.

Supposedly it is marked on the north side by two statues of Desna. No telling how large or obvious these statues may be, so I hope they are not buried under snow and only visible in summer.

Kali sent Nehali out to search; she can do it faster than any of us could.  Marching to the west, we began to parallel the mountain range.

Behind us, it almost seems that the storm has erupted from the pass, and is now following us.

Nehali did find a statue, and it was only about 5 miles away.  We can hear the wind building behind us, and the skies are darkening. This is no natural storm; it now pursues us.

But the statue did mark the entrance to a tunnel into the mountain.  A second statue, it appears, used to stand here but has fallen over and pieces lie broken on the ground.  The tunnel is large enough to accommodate our wagons, if we string them out single file.  Glancing at the sky, we have little choice.  The storm is perhaps ten miles away and is inexplicably moving west towards us.  We enter the tunnel, and shortly after we hear the storm howling furiously and helplessly outside the tunnel entrance.

However, the legend foretold there would be statues praising Desna in the tunnel, and while there were statues, these were no longer focused on Desna. It would seem they had been mutilated by followers of Fumioshi, and now each stately figure bore the visage of a red, demonic face.

We did not make it far into the tunnel before we decided to stop for the night. But the mutilated statues told us we would definitely want guards for the evening. And were those footprints in the dust fresh, or did the lack of wind here in the cave allow old things to look new?

Fireday, Abadius 30

Last night, or this morning, to be perfectly accurate, as we feared, we were attacked.

Four shambling, headless figures headed for our camp, and Sparna raised the alarm. I awoke, and ran to join him.

While I was ready to fight and defend, something about the creatures froze me in my tracks.  We had no idea of what these creatures may be capable, and there was only the two of us.  The rest would be coming, of course, but these things were evil, I could sense it. They might be capable of horrific acts.  Should I move forward, or drop back to protect Ameiko? What if I failed in my mission to protect her?

And while I considered this, my legs unthinkingly locked into place.  Fire erupted around the figures and it appeared to affect each of them differently. Some tried to escape. Some plowed through. Some simply stood still and started smoldering.

It wasn’t until the last one was a smoldering corpse (instead of just a corpse) that I found myself free to move and realized I had been locked in place the entire time. Sparna came to the same realization at about the same time, and we glanced at each other guiltily.

At least, I suppose, we physically blocked their advancement.

Travelling this day, and being more interested in our surroundings, we did see many footprints around.  It would not be unexpected to have more visitors.

Starday, Abadius 31

We are standing at the entrance to what appears to be an underground city.  Koya grimly tells us that the legend did speak of a necropolis where the dead could rest before finishing their journey to Desna. Fantastic. A whole city of shambling headless figures.  But it lies directly in our path, and it’s not like we can skirt it.  We’ll just have to be smart about it.

Character: Kali

Kali’s Journal, Abadius 15 – 30, 4713

Abadius 15, 4713 (evening, Ovorikheer Pass)

The barren trees of the Domagalki Forest are coated in windswept ice. In the waning twilight it takes on a sinister appearance: frozen teeth glistening in our lights, claws reaching for us as we narrowly slip from their grasp. It’s said that it used to be a lush forest, tended to by a family of fey. A few years before I was born, they left for reasons known only to them—the fey are a fickle lot—and this was the result.

We left the frozen piling and the still-smoldering corpses of the spiders behind us and resumed our ascent to the summit of the Ovorikheer Pass.

Twenty, maybe thirty miles of ice lies ahead of us, and then we are done with it for the foreseeable future. Our days are mostly twilight now, a welcome change from the perpetual night. This part of the world is equal parts beautiful, deadly, and peculiar. I will miss the astonishing sights, but not so much so that I wish to return.

Abadius 19, 4713 (morning, Path of Aganhei, Osman Confederation)

We will reach Jaagiin tomorrow around midday. It sits on the shore of Lake Buriyiim and is the seat of the Osman Confederation. According to Ulf, the Erutaki settlements here are formed around clans, and each one sends a speaker to Jaagiin to serve in an assembly. Jaagiin itself is a large trading village, about a third again the size of Sandpoint. At this time of year there won’t be much trading, though, which means we will once again be attracting attention.

Does that matter? Probably not. After Ul-Angorn it’s not exactly difficult for the Five Whoevers—we now have both Winds and Storms in our retinue—to figure out where we’re headed, or when we’ll be there. There’s no hiding at this point, so all we can do is be prepared.

We did learn one other lesson from our last stop, however, and that’s to keep the caravan looking somewhere between good repair and well-traveled. Ivan has been using spells each day to fix the worst of the wear and make sure the small stuff doesn’t get out of hand. I do some cleanup as well using cantrips that help keep it looking neat but worn. Obviously, if it always shined like new that would be suspicious, but we don’t want it looking like it’s been through the Abyss, either. We won’t have to tell stories if it doesn’t look like there are stories to tell.

Abadius 20, 4713 (night, Jaagiin)

Astonishingly, we seem to have made it through the evening without someone or something trying to kill us. Of course, the night isn’t quite over yet so there’s still time to be disappointed.

We visited a few taverns tonight and Ameiko played a couple of sets in the first. We more or less knew this was coming so no one was surprised when she announced her intentions, but it still put us all on edge. After she was out of ear shot, I suggested that we “come up with a plan for defending the pub without burning it down along with the people inside.” This earned me a number of stares. No one appreciates my sense of humor.

We kept a close eye on Ameiko, the patrons, and pretty much anything that moved or looked like it might, especially while she was playing. I also listened in on as many conversations as I could—discreetly, of course—using one of my oldest spells to compensate for the fact that I don’t speak Erutaki.

This was more or less a waste of effort. Not listening to Ameiko’s music, that is, but being a party to the drama and intrigue of Erutaki life at the Crown of the World. Did you know that the caribou herds were thin last year, almost certainly due to the colder than usual weather which limited the meltwater in the river valleys? Also, the trappers from the clans to the south have been working farther up the lake in recent years—some would say “encroaching”—in order to boost their seasonal harvest, at the expense of those who have had an unofficial claim on this territory for generations. And Assembleyman Aninnuk’s son, Noahtak, disappeared two weeks ago and it was thought he had fallen prey to wolves, but really he had just eloped with Assemblayman Silaluk’s daughter, Salak, who was supposed to be back at home tending to the family’s herd of goats. Gripping stuff, no?

OK, I am being unfair here. We actually did hear two pieces of news that were of interest to us: The first was that there are unusually fierce and persistent storms this season that are making travel extremely difficult. The second was about a village named Iqaliat, whose people were recently freed from a relentless, months-long siege by a white dragon. They managed to slay it somehow, which only goes to show that the Erutaki people can’t be kept down for long. There was also some kind of kerfuffle—they actually used that word in Common—with their shaman, but the details there were a little sketchy.

You get the idea.

Qatana was genuinely curious how the bits about Iqaliat had traveled so fast, given that we had just gotten here ourselves. The answer?

“We have these things called ‘dog sleds’.”

Qatana looked confused. “We were told no one crossed the ice in the winter time.”

“Caravans don’t. But the Erutaki are hardy folk, and we know this area.”

I mean, it makes sense: one person with a team of dogs can easily outpace musk oxen pulling wagons, especially when the former has to rest for a month just to breathe. And they can probably do it much more discreetly. I have to remind myself, and the others I guess, that Tunuak walked to the Nameless Spires. By himself. And he was probably about the same age as Koya. We don’t give these people enough credit.

What we didn’t get was information about the pass, Atlan Zuud. Almost no one makes the crossing at this time of year, and no travelers means no news about the pass conditions. That’s concerning because the bad winter weather has apparently been everywhere, more than we can definitively attribute to Katiyana’s antics. On the other hand, all of those reports are pretty generic and none of them are exactly timely. So there’s no specific reason to worry, and no hard information to act on. Famous last words?

Earlier in the day, I hunted down a wizard, which, thankfully, Jaagiin does have. Imnek was nice enough, and our skills are about on par. We each had a few spells that the other could use and we swapped a pair of them today. We made arrangements to do it again tomorrow.

Sparna and Radella both vanished shortly after we arrived. That’s pretty typical for Radella, but we weren’t used to it from Sparna. By late evening people were getting worried, and Ivan went off to find him. Turns out he had found a swordsmith and lost track of time while talking shop well into the night. Good for him. Maybe this will make him less grumpy.

Abadius 21, 4713 (evening, Jaagiin)

Jaagiin doesn’t seem overly interested in who we are or what we’re doing, and that has helped put me at ease. They are happy to take our money without tacking on a surcharge paid in invasive questions.

Sandru and I topped off our provisions for the final leg into Tian Xia. This wasn’t strictly necessary, but we weren’t about to start the next leg of this trip without being fully provisioned, especially since it’s the dead of winter and we don’t really know what we are headed into. Glad we are on the same page, there.

Next up was seeing a jewelry maker about the talismans I’ve been carving. Each disk is about three inches in diameter, very slightly domed, with a leaf pattern adorning the inner rim. The leaves are polished smooth and the gaps between them are roughened. I’d completed the second of them just a couple of days ago, and though I still had more to make it was time to start thinking about settings.

I need a silver mounting of some sort for each, along with a silver chain, so they can be worn like an amulet. The bigger challenge, though, will be studding them with small stones made from the fragments of the gems that had powered the Storm Tower before they shattered. I don’t know how to set stones yet. I mean, I barely know what I’m doing in general when it comes to making jewelry. But I’m learning.

There was no avoiding it: I had to show her one because I needed her help. She slowly traced one of the leaves with her fingers. “Is this a remorhaz scale?” she asked.


She paused, probably expecting me to elaborate. I didn’t.

“This is your work?”

“Yes, it is. It’s taken me a couple of weeks. I do the carvings from the smaller ones.”

She looked up at me sharply, clearly surprised by the implications of that response. It may sound like I was showing off, but I wasn’t, really. There was no hiding the fact that I’d need materials for making more than one setting. Though I suppose I could have been less coy about it. What’s the fun in that, though?

“It’s good. Especially for a kavdlunait. Yes, I can help you create settings for these.”

That took the rest of the morning, but now I have what I need.

The afternoon was spent trading spells with Imnek. There’s not much to say there. He’s still Imnek. He’s still a wizard. He’s still nice enough. We both have a new spell.

Tonight, Sandru, Bevelek, Vankor, and I will start prepping the caravan for our departure tomorrow. We leave in the morning, just an hour or two before twilight. Yeah, that’s right: there is still no sun. Thank the gods that will be changing very, very soon.

You don’t see many temples to Sarenrae up here.

Abadius 24, 4713 (evening, Path of Aganhei)

We passed a cabin today that had a few trappers staying in it. Or, at least, I assume they were trappers; I don’t really know these things. They opened the door to watch us as we went by and they looked like trappers to me, so executive decision: they were trappers.

What does a trapper look like? Like a surly Erutaki dressed in heavy furs standing in the doorway of a cabin in the middle of nowhere. And that’s “surly” by Ulf and Sparna standards, by the way, which—let’s face it—is awfully surly. I thought I saw Qatana wave to them as we passed but they just stared at us in still silence. Having already had our fill of “surly” we didn’t stop to visit.

Watching caravan migrations must be what passes for entertainment around here. They probably have some game that they play for each one that they see, maybe the reverse of travel games like the ones that mom and dad used to play with me when I was really young and easily bored. In one of them, they’d say, “I see something that starts with the letter G” and I’d have to guess what it was as they gave me clues. When I was six my first guess for “G” was always “grass”, even when we were in the middle of the ocean (give me a break: I was six), but eventually I branched out to naming things that were actually there.

These trappers probably looked at us and pulled out their game for Abadius, where you try to be the first one to, I don’t know, spot the half-frozen corpses of the dead traveling companions, or some equally hilarious variation of that.

Abadius 25, 4713 (afternoon, Path of Aganhei)

Nihali is happy to be able to spread her wings again. Even with the tag I enchanted for her, the weather on the ice pack was simply too extreme for her to fly safely, and there were even days when I had to keep her wrapped up in the wagon for warmth. And of course it was perpetually night. We got a reprieve from the former down in the basin, of course, but there were only a couple of hours of twilight each day back then so that only solved one of two problems.

I do wish the circumstances were better. One of our scouts, Shalelu I think, saw a heap of something a little bit off the path. She thought it looked like a pile of animal corpses, so I sent Nihali up to have a look. Short version: that’s what it was.

We saw something like this back before Iqaliat, only the bodies were human. And I’m not really up for telling the long version because it’s horrible, so I’m just going to leave it there.

Abadius 26, 4713 (night, Path of Aganhei)

Qatana cast a spell for Ivan so that he could exchange a short message with someone. First, the obvious: I had considered that as an option for mom and dad, but as I understand the spell you only get a couple dozen words, each. I had better options. Second, I had assumed it was so he could talk to his sister, Abby. But, I caught his body language and thought to myself, that was not his sister.1 I have no idea what the story is there, and it would be rude to ask.

In the few hours of daylight today we could, for the first time, clearly see the mountains that form the Wall of Heaven in the distance under dark, grey clouds.

Abadius 27, 4713 (early afternoon, Path of Aganhei)

A huge winter storm has engulfed the pass and we are getting heavy snowfall and high winds even here in the foothills. I am going to go ahead and call this a blizzard just because I can.

This right here is pretty much what I was worried about. The only good news is, if we hadn’t stopped for a couple of days we’d have been up there when it hit. So, small victories, I guess.

We’re either going to have to wait it out or push through.

(evening, Wall of Heaven)

We decided to push through. I don’t know who “we” is and I can’t even begin to describe how much I am regretting that decision. This was a terrible, terrible idea.

The lightning is ferocious and relentless. There is so much of it that the thunder is a constant roll of crashes and echoes (the only silver lining is that it’s possible to tune it out, but that’s only because it just never stops). And then there’s the snow and the wind. I don’t even know where to begin with that.

A while ago, we thought we might have heard an avalanche, but it’s hard to tell because, come on. Though it sure sounded different than constant, rolling thunder, which is a thing we’ve recently become experts on. We need to see to be sure, though, and that means having a closer look. Even if it were light out, though, all we could see from here would probably be blowing snow.

At one point I thought I heard voices on the wind. Qatana must have heard them too because she looked startled at the exact same moment that I did. Normally, I wouldn’t use Qatana as a litmus test for whether or not I am hearing things, but this was different. We both agreed it was reminiscent of what we heard at Dead Man’s Dome when the last of the undead fell. This can’t be a coincidence, and it can’t be good news.

Abadius 28, 4713 (morning, Wall of Heaven)

We’re getting out. This time, it wasn’t just Qatana and I that heard it, but everyone else, too. And it was more than once: laughter on the wind. We’d had suspicions that this storm wasn’t natural, and now those aren’t just suspicions.

The weather didn’t let up at all over night. If anything, it got worse. We decided to trek up the pass, on hoof and foot, leaving the caravan somewhat sheltered against a cliff face. Ivan graced us all with spells so we wouldn’t slip on the snow and ice, and I summoned a phantasmal horse to ride so I wouldn’t have to walk in this crap. It didn’t even take us an hour to figure out that the pass was closed. It wasn’t just avalanches of snow, but rocks as well. No one would be coming through here for a while. And it intensified as we got closer. It felt like it was a personal vendetta.

We delivered the bad news to Ulf.

(evening, Path of Aganhei)

This day just keeps getting better. Sandru and I had a little chat with Ulf. Storms do not rage in one place for days. This was all wrong.

“What are our options here?” I asked.

“There aren’t any.”

Ulf wasn’t being facetious. We could, maybe, go around the Wall of Heaven instead of through it but Ketskerlet is hundreds of miles to the east and the storm has expanded in the last few hours.

Sandru said, “There’s no way we could even make it that far. The caravan literally wouldn’t survive it.” Ulf agreed with that assessment, and added that even if we did, we’d still have to cross the Gulf of Khorkii somehow, which is thick with icebergs and floes this time of year.

Going west to the Ivory Sea might be better, but that trip is over a thousand miles, and every single one of them is in the wrong direction. Most of them through barren, frozen tundra. To quote Ulf, “No one goes that way for a reason”. The only realistic route to the coast is a couple of weeks behind us.

There pretty much left turning back for Jaagiin, but given our run-in with the oni in Ul-Angorn that is not a particularly attractive choice. Whether or not it’s attractive, though, is irrelevant if it’s our only choice. Which means it’s not really a choice.

And then I had a brilliant idea because I am an idiot.

“Let’s try a Harrowing. This is why Varisian caravans have fortune-tellers, right?” I was met with everything from silence to eye rolls, but I pressed on because I am a glutton for punishment. “What do we have to lose?”

There was general agreement, but while I think most of that qualified as humoring me Koya did seem genuinely excited about the suggestion. She disappeared into her wagon and emerged a couple of minutes later with her cards. I found out why she was so enthusiastic when she handed them to me.

“You go ahead,” she said, smiling, “Just like I taught you.”

Well, I walked right into that, didn’t I?

This was not the easiest way to start my budding career. Harrowings typically focus on individuals, and what we needed was a direction for our group as a whole. So I was already feeling in over my head. But Koya was there to help and she had never let me down before, so I dove in.

I laid out a bridge. I could clearly see Ameiko’s story revealing itself here, both the past and what she would face in the future. The problem was, I couldn’t make sense of the present.2 Or, perhaps more accurately, I didn’t understand what it was telling me. There was something about the mountains or the storm that we were missing. Some key information, and it was crucial to our survival. Even worse, the Hidden Truth card was misaligned. But the larger problem was, the reading didn’t tell us anything we didn’t already know. What we needed was guidance, not our failings laid bare.

To quote Sparna, “But what does it mean?”

Even Koya couldn’t make sense of it, and that’s when I got worried, and when everyone else got frustrated. This isn’t how this is supposed to go.

I don’t know what to do.

Abadius 29, 4713 (small hours, Path of Aganhei)

Koya emerged from her wagon around 1:00 this morning, all aflutter. She found me working on one of the talismans in the center of our camp, and was practically manic. At first I couldn’t makes sense of what she was trying to say because she was just short of babbling, but eventually she got a coherent sentence out.

“I had a dream and…there’s something I can’t shake. I had an epiphany, or Desna’s speaking to me, or something…” The excitement in her voice was climbing again “The reading you did…where are the cards?!”

I still had them and set them out in order.

“There’s something with the Empty Throne and The Hidden Truth, something we’re not seeing. But, what really strikes me, is at the end of the bridge with The Big Sky and The Queen Mother.”

She explained, or tried to explain, that there may be some meaning to these cards, or to the way that they were brought out, that is not usual. That these cards appeared here as a message to us. I just nodded my head because I had no idea what she was talking about, but she’s the one who follows Desna. This was her thing.

“I’ve studied the peoples that worshiped Desna for years, and there is a story of a traveler that came through this land quite some time ago…that he insisted that what he saw was real.” Her thoughts were bouncing all over the place. “The Uqtaal people that used to live here, they worshiped Desna. They called her the Queen of the North Star. That’s what struck me about this.” She pointed to The Big Sky in the bridge.

She had my full attention now, as well as that of several of the others.

“What I remember is that they followed the north star. Even in death, they tried to follow the north star to be taken back to Desna and spend eternity with her. This traveler…wrote this story that the people here delved a nercopolis and a passage through the Wall of Heaven. It’s called The Path of Spirits. It was so their dead could find their way here. There’s an entrance we can look for…That’s got to be it.”

It was crazy. Even Koya thought it a fantastic story. But it’s not just a story, is it?

We got Ulf and Sandru and talked this over. Ulf had never heard of anything like this, but he was not exactly skeptical either. “No one goes to the west. At all. Because there is nothing there. Something like this, though…it could easily be that no one has heard of it because…no one is around to look.”

We let that sink in. It wasn’t proof, but he wasn’t ruling it out, either.

Lightning continued to flash in the distance. The storm was clearly expanding, getting closer. This would be a huge risk, taken solely—and literally—on faith.

I asked, “How would we even find it? One cave in an entire mountain range…”

According to Koya, the traveler’s story spoke of two statues, facing due north, that marked the start of the path into the mountains, and that path would lead to the passageway. It was…something. Better than something. It was enough to make a plan.

There will be enough light for Nihali to see by in a few hours. We’ll send her ahead of the caravan to search by air while we move west and search on the ground. All we’d need after that would be Desna’s blessing.

(noon, Wall of Heaven)

Nihali found it! Or we’re pretty sure she did.

We’d gone about twenty miles when I felt her coming back. There was a sense of urgency and excitement about her. A couple of minutes minute later, she landed in the covered wagon.

“There is a statue of a human, carved in rock. Not far from here.” One, not two. But it’s been hundreds of years…

“Can you lead us there?”


And off she went.

The storm seems to be following us.

(evening, Path of Spirits)

There were two statues, but one had broken off at its pedestal. The one that was intact was clearly of Desna. They both faced due north and marked the start of a path that led about a quarter mile to a cave entrance in at the base of a towering cliff.

It’s a tight fit, but the caravan can manage with the wagons single-file.

This place… It may have been built by people who worshipped Desna, but something changed. The tunnel is lined with pillars decorated with star carvings, and the walls themselves bear stars and butterflies applied in faded paint. But on top of each pillar sits a skull, bleached then painted red, bolted into place. The skulls face north. Always north.

This is not Desna. Not any more. The symbology, assuming the Uqtaal clans were influenced by their Tian neighbors, is reminiscent of Fumeiyoshi, god of dishonor, envy, graves, and the undead. It’s said he murdered his brother, the moon god Tsukiyo, in a jealous rage and was punished by Yaezhing for his crime.

On a whim, I asked Suishen what he knew of Fumeiyoshi. He said, “His religion was banned in Minkai. Fumeiyoshi’s followers enjoy death and desecrating the graves of the dead.”

I don’t know what we’ll find here, but I suspect there’s a sinister explanation as to why so few have heard of this place.

Abadius 30, 4713 (morning, Path of Spirits)

We were rudely awakened in the early hours of the morning when four, headless mummies approached the caravan from the southern end of the passageway. Fortunately, I was already prepared for undead, and Ivan and I literally burned them nearly to ash, the others picking them off as they tried to escape the layers of flame.

This is just the beginning.

  1. This was an extraordinarily good roll on a perception check. 
  2. Our GM set up four of the cards in the spread, though not the positions where they would appear. The others were chosen at random. 
Character: Qatana

Qatana’s journal entry for Abadius 15 – 31, 4713

Toilday, Abadius 15, 4713 evening
Caravan, Path of Aganhei, Domagolki Forest

We were sitting around the fire, enjoying a much needed meal of roasted meat and vegetables with fresh baked bread, when Olmas suddenly stopped talking as a vacant look came over him.

“Oh, that’s much better,” quipped Timber. “Quiet,” I admonished, and watched Olmas to see what he would say next. We had seen this before whenever Suishen privately talked to him, and always Olmas reacted the same: a startled look followed by sudden silence and various facial expressions, depending upon whatever insight the intelligent sword deemed fit to impart to its bearer.

Clearly Olmas was not as used to voices speaking in his head as I, and was not adept at hiding when such conversations occurred.

“Ah, hmm,” Olmas began. “It seems that Suishen has decided we have done well enough that he is granting me access to more of his abilities. Three times a day he can make me resistant from the cold, and he can also produce flaming bursts when I hit particularly well.”

PookieWe all looked at one another, and Pookie echoed what most of us were thinking, “It’s a fine time to grant abilities that would help us on the high ice now that we have just come down from it.”

Pookie had touched upon a sore point in our party’s relationship with Suishen. Many of us had already expressed our opinions of what we would have done with the sword had we been the ones unfortunate enough to wield it.

Sunday, Abadius 20, 4713 evening
Caravan, Jaagiin

We arrived in Jaagiin at mid day, and aroused the usual looks and comments from the locals seeing a caravan coming down from the ice at the wrong time of year. We continued to stick to our fabricated story, but I wondered if it was already way too late for subterfuge.

Jaagiin is about the size of Sandpoint, and so it offered more services and variety of goods than Ul-Angorn. We planned to take advantage of this and sell some of the items we collected on the high ice.

When Ameiko announced she wanted to go shopping I said I needed to get supplies as well (true enough: we needed components for a new wand of Lesser Restoration) and would accompany her. I looked over at Shalelu and pointedly asked, “Didn’t you need to get some supplies too?” She gave me a blank look, and so I winked, adding, “You know, for the, um, thing you mentioned.” She got the point and agreed to join us, as did Olmas.

It turned out Ameiko used shopping as a euphemism for gathering information, and she was quite good at it.

We learned that news of the death of the white dragon near Iqaliat had already reached this side of the ice. While it is unusual for caravans to travel during the winter, apparently locals often make the trek via dog sled, and do so quickly.

Complaints about the unusual ferocity and frequency of winter storms were commonplace. At first we thought these were outdated reports from the ice, and our intervention at the Storm Tower had put a stop to them. But most of the storms the locals talked about were from the south, in the passes of a large mountain range directly on our route.

Jaagiin has three inns, and when we returned to the caravan later on I suggested some of us head back into town to see what we could hear at each pub.

“That’s a great idea!” Ameiko said as she reached for her lute. Uh oh. I glanced over at Kali, who’s eyes had widened and nostrils flared, but she remained silent. We decided it would be best if the entire party came along, just in case.

Nothing bad happened. Ameiko played and sang at each of the inns, and we heard a variety of local gossip, basically confirming what we had picked up earlier. All in all it was an unexpectedly uneventful evening, which would have been relaxing had we not all been on edge waiting for some form of attack.

Moonday, Abadius 21, 4713 evening
Caravan, Jaagiin

I spent most of today at the caravan working on a Wand of Lesser Restoration, while the others prepared the caravan for our trip south. We leave in the morning.

Moonday, Abadius 25, 4713 evening
Caravan, Path of Aganhei, south of Jaagiin

The days have passed uneventfully as we moved steadily south. The soft tundra has given way to firmer soils of a forested upland, and the ground has risen little higher each day.

Yesterday we passed by a cabin with smoke pouring from the chimney. The door opened and several trappers watched as we passed by. I waved, but they just stared glumly after us.

Today we came across a large pile of animal carcasses a short distance off the path. Shalelu and I investigated and found that the bodies had been badly slashed, but not as if someone butchered them for meat, but rather they did so for fun. The pile was frozen solid and I estimated they had been there at least a week. Sick.

Ivan asked for a Sending spell. Interesting. I typically only prepare Sending when I want to contact Elias in Kaer Maga, as I did after we came down from the ice. Ivan will his spell in the morning.

Toilday, Abadius 26, 4713 evening
Caravan, Path of Aganhei, south of Jaagiin

Today just after noon we climbed around the shoulder of a large hill and saw a line of white tipped jagged peaks reaching up into the blue sky before us. The mountain range is called “The Wall of Heaven” and there is one pass through it: Altan Zuud, “The Golden Pass”.

As the day progressed dark clouds crept around the peaks, reaching towards us and blotting out the sun. The temperature began to drop and the wind picked up. Not long after snow began to fall. It will be a cold and comfortless night.

Wealday, Abadius 27, 4713 evening
Caravan, Path of Aganhei, at the feet of The Wall of Heaven

The wind and cold intensified overnight, and snow was now falling thick and heavy. The caravan moved slowly toward the pass, but before the weather became too severe we stopped and set up camp for the night.

On the shrieking wind Kali and I thought we could hear a hysterical laughter that reminded me of the crazed cackling we had heard at Dead Man’s Dome.

Oathday, Abadius 28, 4713 evening
Caravan, at the feet of The Wall of Heaven

If anything the storm had become worse overnight.

We decided it was too dangerous for the caravan to move onto the pass, and so my companions and I made our way on foot to scout out the trail. After only an hour it became clear that we could not go this way.

The snow and wind kicked up to beyond blizzard conditions, and rocks small and large came crashing down around us.

Some sinister force was behind this storm, and there was no way the caravan could pass this way. I wanted to push on to find the source of the storm, but the others pointed out that the storm could be hundreds of miles in width, and we would be vulnerable the entire time we were exposed to its fury.

We returned to the caravan dejected. Ulf said the only alternate route was many miles to the east, where we would then need to find a way to cross the Gulf of Khorki, which he thought far too dangerous a course for the caravan.

The only other choices were to wait out the storm here, consuming our provisions, or return to Jaagiin to wait it out. But if this storm had been summoned to block our passage, then there would be no waiting it out.

Desperate, Kali decided to perform a Harrowing, with Koya looking on. Unfortunately the results were not obvious or helpful. Even Koya seemed unable to draw any useful conclusion from the cards.

The only action I could offer was to prepare to summon a planar ally the next day to scout out the source of the storm and report back to us its nature and location. It would be somewhat expensive, but it might be our only way forward.

We took the caravan back north a dozen miles to get out from the storm, and in the morning we will assess our options and make a decision.

Fireday, Abadius 29, 4713 morning
Caravan, at the feet of The Wall of Heaven

Some time after midnight Koya came out from her wagon in a highly agitated state. “I was given a dream about the Harrowing, and I believe I understand what it was telling us!”

“It is thought that Desna lives at the northern star, and the spirits of those faithful to her journey there to live with her for eternity after they die.”

“Legend tells that the followers of Desna in eastern lands delved a passageway through the roots of The Wall of Heaven so their souls could easily travel to be with Desna.”

“They called this tunnel the ”Path of Spirits”, and it is said that its northern exit is west of the Path of Aganhei. Nobody knows how far west, but the entrance to the cavern is flanked on either side by statues of Desna.”

Ulf was skeptical, but he admitted that “Nobody ever goes west because there’s no reason to go that way, and so I suppose there could be a way into a tunnel like Koya says.”

When the dim echo that passes for morning’s light began to dawn we broke camp and started westward. Kali has Nihali scouting ahead.

Fireday, Abadius 29, 4713 evening
Caravan, Path of Spirits

A couple of hours after mid day Nihali returned very excited: she had spotted a statue to our left not far ahead.

Presently we came upon the opening of a narrow valley with a pedestal of stone on either side. A statue of Desna perched upon one, but the other had toppled and lay in fragments on the ground.

A quarter mile south and the two ridges forming the valley came together. At their apex was the entrance to a cave.

We had little choice but to enter. The storm had been growing all day, and already we could hear the screaming of its winds among the peaks above us.

Thanks to our preparations for a winter crossing of the Crown of the World we were ready for the dark. The tunnel walls are lined with columns upon which human skulls have been set. The skulls all face north and have been crudely painted with a red daemonic face.

Kali thought the skulls were symbols of Fumioshi, the Tien god of dishonor, envy, graves and undead. They served as a warning to us to be on the alert for undead. Their spacing became further and further apart the deeper in we went.

During part of the watch Ivan had mentioned how he used Deathwatch as a long duration crude form of Detect Undead. Clever. I made a mental note to adjust my usual set of spells to better handle undead.

We set up a marching order with Sparna and Ivan leading out in front of the caravan, with me halfway between. Kali and Radella were just in front of the lead wagon, while Shalelu brought up the rear after the last wagon.

10 miles later we stopped to make camp, and after a hasty meal we set up the watch. It was then that I noticed the footprints in the dusty floor ahead of the caravan. Large humanoid prints of shod, partly shod, and unshod beings going to and fro. Takoda summed up exactly how I felt with “I’ve got a bad feeling about this.” I let the others know that we were not alone.

Starday, Abadius 30, 4713 evening
Caravan, Path of Spirits

Early this morning a group of headless figures shambled toward the caravan. Sparna spotted them first and spread the alarm, and then planted himself firmly between them and us, urgosh in hand.

I moved up with Sparna and noticed that each of the creatures was surrounded by pale glowing wisps that made it difficult to see exactly where they were. I commented on this, but Sparna remained silent and still, as usual.

Olmas moved up with Suishen flaming and at the ready, and then he too became still and quiet.

“Well, what are you all waiting for?” asked Star, “Attack!”

Suddenly a circle of flame surrounded the four creatures, and a wall of fire sprang up between them and those of us on the front line. Ivan and Kali had been busy and Star squeaked out her approval.

I noticed that Sparna and Olmas had yet to move or say anything since the creatures had approached, and realized they must have been paralyzed. There was little I could do to assist, and so I flew above the flames and the headless zombies and began to channel energy.

Between the flames and the channeled energy the creatures were soon reduced to dust. A few moment later Sparna and Olmas were released from whatever force that held them.

After discussing their appearance and behavior Kali and I concluded that these creatures were some sort of mummy.

The rest of the day was mostly uneventful (as it could be while traveling along an underground road beneath mountains to escape a supernatural storm) and we managed to travel 25 miles.

We did encounter several side passages, but each of them dead ended a short distance in. We also noticed that they looked natural, like fissures opening in the rock, whereas the main tunnel was smooth and obviously shaped stone.

Sunday, Abadius 31, 4713 afternoon
Caravan, Path of Spirits

We made 15 miles today when the spacing of the columns that line the tunnel became closer. Moving forward cautiously we entered what appears to be the necropolis that Koya had described when she told us of this odd path. There is a huge chasm barring our way and stretching off into the darkness to our left and right. A bridge crosses over the chasm, and towers carved from the stone walls guard either side.

We are suspicious, and the caravan has stopped before reaching the towers. We plan to head out on foot and scout the way over the chasm before leading the caravan forward.